ISSN 2712-7834

Social Novelties & Social Sciences
A view from Moscow

The impact of agglomeration processes on internal migration in the Republic of Belarus

Social Novelties and Social Sciences № 2(7) 2024
DOI 10.31249/snsneng/2024.02.06
Ridevsky G.V. The impact of agglomeration processes on internal migration in the Republic of Belarus // Social Novelties and Social Sciences: A View from Moscow. – 2024. – N 2. – P. 79–90.


The article evaluates the impact of agglomeration processes on regional migration in the Republic of Belarus. For this purpose, the typology of urban agglomerations is provided based on their importance in the development of settlement systems. All urban agglomerations are ranked as national or regional. It is shown that most urban agglomerations of national status have a direct impact on migration processes, and migrations are the main factors in the growth of their population in conditions of depopulation, which has engulfed most regions of the country. At the same time, urban agglomerations of national status include most cities and areas of Belarus where population growth is attributed to migration. It is noted that among all urban agglomerations in the country, the Minsk urban agglomeration is developing most actively. Migration is the main source of its population growth. More than half of the migration growth of all Belarusian cities and districts is concentrated here. However, such active expansion of the Minsk urban agglomeration threatens Belarus with a transition to monocentric development.

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