ISSN 2712-7834

Social Novelties & Social Sciences
A view from Moscow

On the legal understanding of personal cognitive liberty

Social Novelties and Social Sciences № 1(6) 2024
Gulyaeva E.E. On the legal understanding of personal cognitive liberty // Social Novelties and Social Sciences: A View from Moscow. – 2024. – N 1. – P. 73–81.


The article analyzes approaches to individual cognitive freedom and its legal safeguards. The author notes that modern neurotechnologies caused the emergence of completely new crimes (neurohacking and neurocide) and, consequently, a need for additional legal support for human rights and freedoms. In addition, in public sphere there appears a need to protect trade secrets (for example, when using neuroprostheses, etc.), with cyber-biosecurity and neurosecurity in mind. Cognitive freedom includes the personal freedom to control mental processes, cognition and consciousness. The protection of cognitive freedom includes such rights as the right to health, to mental freedom, to personal growth, as well as compliance with ethical standards. The author concludes that it is necessary to consider cognitive freedom as a completely new right in the list of basic human rights.

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