PhD (Law. Sci.), Senior Researcher of the Department of Legal Studies, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
Intellectual property transformation inspired by the developments in artificial intelligence (Review)
Social Novelties and Social Sciences № 1(1) 2021
DOI 10.31249/snss/2021.02.10
Kodaneva S.I. Intellectual property transformation inspired by the developments in artificial intelligence (Review) / English transl. by Nikulichev M.Y. // Social Novelties and Social Sciences. – Moscow : INION. RAN, 2021. – N 2. – P. 120–127.
Artificial intelligence is becoming indispensable not only in resolving technical problems, but also in various artistic industries and even in creativity, which has always been considered a human prerogative. In April 2021 the Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov hosted an international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the legal regulation of intellectual property both on human-created neural networks and on artefacts (inventions) created by artificial intelligence. This review presents the key issues discussed at this conference.