PhD (Econ. Sci.), Researcher, Department of Economics, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (ISISS RAS), (Moscow, Russia)
Digitalization of personal archives and their further application. Case study
Social Novelties and Social Sciences № 1(2) 2022
DOI 10.31249/snsneng/2022.01.08
Petushkova V.V. Digitalization of personal archives and their further application. Case study / English transl. by Nikulichev M.Y. // Social Novelties and Social Sciences. – Moscow : INION RAN, 2022. – N 1. – P. 101–114.
The article discusses the process of digitalization of personal archives, specifically, of the unique archive of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A.N. Kosygin. The article describes the algorithm for creating a complete, systematized electronic version of the collection in stages, as well as the preparation for a historical and biographical exhibition.