International regulation in cyber space: is effective mutual understanding possible?
Social Novelties and Social Sciences № 1(2) 2022
DOI 10.31249/snsneng/2022.01.02
Korovkin V. International regulation in cyber space: is effective mutual understanding possible? / English transl. by Nikulichev M.Y. // Social Novelties and Social Sciences. – Moscow : INION RAN, 2022. – N 1. – P. 18–32.
The key challenge for effective legal regulation of cyberspace is its cross-border architecture. This article aims to analyze contradictions between the main countries participating in the discussions on the international regulation of cyberspace. As the probability of reaching a broad international consensus in the field of cyberlaw is low in the foreseeable future, the regionalization of cyberspace, the creation of alliances based on mutual trust between participants and coordinated views on the principles of cyber-regulation are predicted.